
Bye Week Assignment

Please submit 3-5 strategies or methods used in the classroom to support teaching and learning. This could include methods you have used in the past, methods you are currently using, and/or methods you would like to implement or have received training for implementation.

Here is a sample list to help jump start your reflection...

Please submit your list via email or the Questions?!? contact form in the right sidebar by the end of the business Friday, October 4.

Genius Hour Agenda (10.07 and 10.09)
  • Strategic Planning: Prioritize This!
  • So what?
  • Now what?


  1. I use concept checks, cooperative learning, the Rally Coach technique to check for understanding, and reflection stickys. I will ask students what they need most from me on a skill or concept. For Example, at the beginning of the year I asked my classes what they needed most from me to be successful in math. Each class was given a different color of sticky note. The overwhelming need for pictures and lots of examples was shocking.

    1. Great list! I'm looking forward to your analysis of these methods. I'm curious as to what your students would request now...after nine weeks of progress. Same? Different?
